


Im Tash; a twenty-something graduate who is trying to find her way in the world with a somewhat alarming passion for food, theatre, writing, cocktails, the colour green and clothes.

And, as you may have guessed, Im the Barefoot Baker. A friend of mine coined this name for me as I can often be found pottering around in the kitchen with unsurprisingly naught upon my feet! Simple enough, I guess, however I think it also encapsulates how comfortable and at home I feel in my kitchen just cooking and creating. I find the kitchen is one of the best places I can de-stress; get out of my own head for a while, breathe and take stock of things.

Cooking for friends and family and spending time around the dinner table is one of those great pleasures in life that my lovely mummy has taught me all about. For as long as I can remember she would hold big, tasty dinner parties with lots of friends, wine and candles. I recall the preparation going into those evenings; the big shopping trips and the day-long bustle of a busy, simmering kitchen. Whats more, I can still remember, even long after the meal was finished and I was in bed, hearing laughter and conversation well into the night. It was so much more than food; it was friendship and decadence and fun.

Therefore, I am writing this blog to remind myself and others not to become one of those too tired to cook proper meals people, or shock horror to find myself preferring to purchase a box of Mr Kiplings cakes (as tasty as they are) instead of baking my own. In a time of convenience and instant gratification I want to remember the pleasure and enjoyment I derive from cooking, baking and experimenting with food.

Sometimes recipes work well, sometimes they dont and sometimes I dont really follow them at all but I hope you enjoy my culinary exploits and can share in my passion for getting lost in the kitchen